January 30, 2009

The Webmaster Forum - Monthly Best Post Contest

I have already informed you about "The Webmaster Forums" which is going to be a very useful forums for web developers and Graphing Designers.... On January 18th they started a contest for their active members for 2 months till 18th march and the prize money is over $1500... to see more details about this contest click here: The Webmaster Forum - Contest ...

The happiness of the active forum members are not stopped here!!! They announced a new Monthly Contest... This contest is for the best post which is going to start from this february 1st. The result will be announced at the end of every month and the user who posted for the best topic is the winner of that particular month...

The prize is a free business hosting account for a year at Digiweb, including a free domain name (.com, .net or .org). You can choose between Windows or Linux hosting.

1. Your thread must be in compliance with our forum rules, as with any other thread/post.
2. Your thread must be posted in a subforum within the "Internet Marketing" or "Web Design & Development" categories.
3. Your thread must be useful to other members.

Note: Please add my name as your referrer of the forum if you like to... here is the link, http://www.thewebmasterforum.net

January 29, 2009

What's new in Photoshop CS4 Extended

The "Extended" version adds motion graphics functions and expanded 3D visualization.

Photoshop CS4 Extended adds 3D manipulation. We can can paint directly on 3D models and surfaces, merge 2-D files onto 3D images and animate 3D objects. We can edit properties like light and the ability to create more realistic renderings with a new high-quality ray-tracer.

We can turn any 3D object into a video display zone and can animate 3D objects and properties. There are more single-key shortcuts.

"The 3D painting enhancements in Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended save us valuable time by enabling artists to paint directly on our 3D flight simulator models in Photoshop instead of using a separate 3D paint program," says Luis Barcena, executive vice president of databases and modeling for Aechelon Technology, Inc., a leader in real time computer graphics applications for training, simulation and entertainment markets. "Additionally, the ability to perform localized color correction in Photoshop CS4 Extended lets us easily color correct and balance simulated environments and terrain databases using images taken in different climates to achieve a more realistic and compelling user experience."

Photoshop CS4 Extended lets radiologists render DICOM image stacks into a volume that can be viewed from all angles.


The most basic technique is the "robots.txt" file. This file allows you to tell search engine robots what parts of your site that the cannot crawl. To start, you need to create a file called robots.txt, and it must live in the root directory for your domain. This means that if your site is "www.yourdomain.com" the robots.txt file must be located at "www.yourdomain.com/robots.txt". Do not place it any where else, because it will have no effect.

The basic technique is simple. To exclude all bots from your server, structure your robots.txt as follows:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /

You can choose to disable only certain bots, simply by specifying the bot name on the User-Agent line, instead of using the "*" to indicate all bots. You can also specify that only certain directories are protected, with a file similar to this one:

User-agent: *
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Disallow: /php/

The definitive definitions for the robots.txt file can be found at this location.

On-page elements

The Title tag
<title>some title words</title>

The Description tag
<meta name="description" content="a nice description">

The Keywords tag
<meta name="keywords" content="some keywords">

The H tag
<Hn>some heading words</Hn>

Alt text
<img src="url" alt="some alt text which is displayed on mouseover">

Bold text


January 21, 2009

Google's Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide

The main Google's SEO to remember,

* Create unique, accurate page titles

* Make use of the "description" meta tag

* Improve the structure of your URLs

* Make your site easier to navigate

* Offer quality content and services

* Write better anchor text

* Use heading tags appropriately

* Optimize your use of images

* Make effective use of robots.txt

* Be aware of rel="nofollow" for links

* Promote your website in the right ways

* Make use of free webmaster tools

* Take advantage of web analytics services

January 18, 2009

The Webmaster Forum - Contest

I just heard about revenue sharing forums, where members can essentially earn revenues on the quality of there posts. This can be done because having better threads, that get more views can earn more money for the member creating the thread. As a community, it becomes a 50-50 situation for both the community and the members as it promotes discussion. Most Importantly The Web Master Forums has started a Contest for their active members ....
The contest will start from January 18th (today) and it will end after 2 months that's on March 18th. The winner will be calculated using point systems and the point details in mentioned below.... The prize money is over $1,500....

- 2 years free hosting from WebHostingPad (Value $95.04)
- 2X 1 year subscritions to GoStats (Value $180)
- One months free hosting plus a free domain name from HappyStar (value 14.90)
- 3 Month 125X125 Sidebar Ad Slot on InternetBabel.com (value $30)
- 3 single theme packages from briangardner.com (value $179.85)
- Multi-Use Citrus theme from Unique Blog Designs (value $99)
- Free domain + free 6-month reseller account from HostedFX
- 1 Month 125X125 banner ad slot at The University Kid (Value $30)
- 1 free press release from Two Believers (Value $285)
- BlogSlammer entire suite of software - BlogSlammer for windows, Server Edition, and SiteSlammer. (Value 494.92)
- Free 30,000 visitor campaign from Better Visitors (Value 91.95)
- 1 month subscription to Logo Search (Value 49.95)

1st place will get to choose any 3 of the above prizes, 2nd place will get to choose 2, and 3rd - 10th places can choose 1.

How To Earn Points
The contest will be based on a points system. You will get:
- 5 points for each new thread
- 3 points for each new reply
- 50 points for posting about the contest on your blog .
- Points will be removed for low quality posts or posts with bad english, and posts advertising another website.

What you are waiting for? click the link below to Join The Webmaster Forum... Just add "karthimx" as your referrer...


Happy Posting !!!